Global rank:
65,567 / 94,289
Skill pts: 0


I have 26 years of experience in my field as a mechanical engineer. I've worked with a lot of Disa's machines while I was working for Alexandria automotive casting, we were producing the cars's caliper. I also have worked with a lot of german machines in el nasr casting company. And finally, these are some of the skills I can do (Ability to work remotely-Active learning-Complex problem solving-Coordination-Critical Thinking-Decision Making-Equipment Selection-Mathematical Skills-Operations analysis-Operations research-Scientific Skills-Self-Motivation-Systems analysis)


  • Mecchanical Design Engineer Alexandria automotive casting& El Nasr casting company · Full-time Feb 2023 – Present 2 yrs Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt I have 26 years of experience in my field as a mechanical engineer. I've worked with a lot of Disa's machines while I was working for Alexandria automotive casting, we were producing the cars's caliper. I also have worked with a lot of german machines in el nasr casting company. And finally, these are some of the skills I can do (Ability to work remotely-Active learning-Complex problem solving-Coordination-Critical Thinking-Decision Making-Equipment Selection-Mathematical Skills-Operations analysis-Operations research-Scientific Skills-Self-Motivation-Systems analysis)


  • الازهر الشريف Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bsc Mechanical Engineering 1991 – 1996 Activities and Societies: Alexandria automotive casting & El Nasr casting company