Global rank:
65,745 / 87,131
Skill pts: 0


I'm a mechanical engineering student with countless hours of CAD experience competing in VEX robotics, Skills USA, IDEA and First Robotics. I work very well with mechanical design and submitted many models to competition.

Other experience

  • Skill USA state competitor. I competed in the Illinois division of Skills USA in Peoria IL, in a competition consisting of a team of three to design a product that would be judged as well as the process behind it
  • IDEA 1st place regional champ two years in a row, and 2nd place state winner. Competed In the Illinois Design Educators Association competition that consisted of modeling twenty part as accurately as possible in the span of two hours.
  • VEX robotics world competition in Dallas, Texas I competed in the robotics tournament and submitted CAD models to a sub Competition aimed at designing your own part.

Joined: August 9, 2023

Last seen: December 14, 2023


Polish Professional working proficiency


Chicago, IL, United States