Global rank:
67,463 / 95,286
Skill pts: 0


I make and design with solidwork for last project for make some nonferro casting part, mechanical part for cnc process and slitting plastic machine .


  • R & D Engineer Cisangkan · Full-time May 2023 – Present 1 yrs 10 mos Bandung, West Java, Indonesia I designed and made some products of concerete,machine,mold,tools and lay out process and machine


  • politechnic manufaktur Bandung D3, draft and desgin, B 1990 – 1993 Activities and Societies: swimming and bicycle We study of drafting and design of mechanical process and machine with autocad with autodesk and solidworks platform
  • Polytechnic PMS ITB D3, Design and Drafting Technology, b 1990 – 1993 Activities and Societies: swimming and bicycle we study design procces for mechanical with autocad sofwarefrom autodesk and solidworks


Joined: September 11, 2023

Last seen: September 11, 2023


English Elementary proficiency


Bandung, Jawa Barat (Djawa Barat), Indonesia