Global rank:
1,706 / 95,457
Skill pts: 17


Apart from a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an analytical mind, a competent design engineer also has important soft skills. For instance, they have strong attention to detail and the ability to deliver projects effectively and on time.

Design Entries

Private project


  • Deisgn Engineer PGP GLASS PVT. LTD. (FORMALLY KNOWN AS PIRAMAL GLASS) · Full-time Jun 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos Vadodara, GJ, India The standard functions for this post are writing regular progress reports and presenting them to project managers and clients, researching whether the design will work and be cost-effective assessing the usability, environmental impact, and safety of design, using CAD and CAE software to create prototypes, collecting and analyzing data from tests on prototypes modifying plans and retesting them, researching, designing and creating new products, developing virtual models of different designs using computer software.
  • Deisgn Engineer MASU BRAKES PVT. LTD. · Full-time Nov 2021 – May 2022 6 mos Bahadurgarh, HR, India A Design Engineer is responsible for researching and developing new ideas for new products and systems used to make them. This role also analyses and modifies all existing processes and products to improving their efficiency and overall performance.
  • Trainee CADD PLUS · Internship Aug 2021 – Oct 2021 2 mos Agra, UP, India Three months of training on SOLIDWORKS software.


  • RBS engg. technical campus, Mecahanical engineering, First 2018 – 2022 Activities and Societies: Working on project of Design & fabrication of solar panel cleaner by using a suttling mechanism.

Other experience

  • M S excel MS Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application that is produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS operating systems. It features the ability to perform basic calculations, use graphing tools, create pivot tables and create macros, among other useful features.

Licenses & Certifications

  • DEEPAK MUDGAL SBBJ PVT. LTD. Dec 2023 – Present