I am an experienced, multi-disciplinary Mechanical Design Engineer with extensive design and analysis experience primarily using Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk CFD, AutoCAD and ANSYS.
I have experience with induction heating, vacuum systems, metal atomisation, hydraulics, pneumatics, Programmable Logic Controller's, structural analysis, gas analysis systems, schematic/ P&ID design, FMEA and project management.
Mechanical Design Engineer
Phoenix Scientific Industries Ltd. · Full-time
Oct 2017 –
7 yrs 5 mos
Hailsham, England, United Kingdom
My main duties include use of autodesk software such as Inventor and AutoCAD for mechanical system Design and production of system schematics and P&ID'S; use of CFD and FEA software for component and assembly analysis; calculations for the purpose of compiling a project design file; system build costings; environmental life cycle analysis; and Failure Mode Analysis.
I have also produced company resources in the form of standard operating procedures, calculators, company documents, drawing templates, and schematic blocks.
Systems Engineer
Phoenix Scientific Industries Ltd. · Full-time
Sep 2017 –
Apr 2018
7 mos
Hailsham, England, United Kingdom
My main duties included fabrication/ machining of components, building of sub-assemblies, system build of atomisers, stock control, and quality checking of components.
Precision Engineer
SAK Equipment Ltd. · Full-time
May 2015 –
May 2016
1 yrs
undefined, United Kingdom
I worked as a Precision Engineer and was responsible for batch and mass production of components using a wide range of machinery - a manual turn lathe, diamond surface grinder, rotary grinder, radding machine, shadowgraph, and a hydraulic punch - working to tolerances within the micron range.
Mechanical Engineer
Interface Precision Engineering Ltd. · Contact
Jan 2015 –
Feb 2015
1 mos
Hastings, England, United Kingdom
As my first Engineering job (to gain some industry experience), my duties included interpretation of CAD drawings to manufacture components using CNC machinery, as well as manual turn lathes and mills, MIG/ TIG welding units, reciprocating saws, engraving tools, bench drills, pressing machines, bending units, grinders, sanders etc.
The Open University
BEng Hons Degree (First Class), Engineering, First-Class Honours
2021 – 2023
Modules Undertaken:
Renewable Energy;
Structural Integrity: Designing Against Failure;
Computer-Aided Engineering;
Engineering Project (Design, Construction & Evaluation of a Concentrating Solar Collector Assisted Air Source Heat Pump);
South London College
Level 4 Diploma, Hydraulic Principles
2019 – 2020
Sussex Downs College
BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma, Engineering, Merit
2016 – 2017
Modules Undertaken:
Advanced Computer-Aided Design Techniques;
Programmable Logic Controllers;
Mechatronic Systems;
Industrial Robot Technology;
Business Management Techniques for Engineers;
Fluid Mechanics;
Engineering Thermodynamics;
Analytical Methods for Engineers;
Further Analytical Methods for Engineers;
Engineering Science;
Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation;
Health, Safety and Risk Assessment in Engineering;
Employability Skills;
Research Project;
Work-based Project;
Sussex Downs College
BTEC Level 4 HNC Diploma, Engineering, Distinction
2015 – 2016
Modules Undertaken:
Advanced Computer-Aided Design Techniques;
Programmable Logic Controllers;
Mechatronic Systems;
Analytical Methods for Engineers;
Engineering Science;
Project Design, Implementation & Evaluation;
Mechanical Principles;
Fluid Mechanics;
University of Brighton
Certificate of Higher Education, Aeronautical Engineering
2013 – 2015
Modules Undertaken: Engineering Mathematics; Materials & Manufacture; Design Applications; Fluid Dynamics; Thermodynamics.