Global rank:
7,469 / 95,370
Skill pts: 5


I have strong technical
skills with the ability to
create detailed drawings. I
pay attention to detail and
I have a commitment to
delivering high-quality
work. I am proficient with
AutoCad, Inventor Pro and
Solidworks. I considered
my self a responsible and
orderly person. I am
looking forward to the
below junior job positions:
•Mechanical Draughtsman
•Autocad Draughtsman
•Structural Steal Detailer
•Piping Draughtsman
•Building Draughtsman.


  • African Academy Multi-Disciplinary Drawing Office Practice (MDDOP) Certificate N4/N5, Engineer, N4/N5 2023 – 2024 It involves drawing of Machine parts, house plans, pipe layouts, Electrical reticulation plans and steel structures

Other experience

  • AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Inventor I have draughted Pipe Systems in Piping Draughting N4
  • Solidworks I have designed several single and assembly components.
    SolidWorks Basics and the User Interface
    Basic Part Modelling
    Modelling a Casting or Forging
    Revolved Features
    Shelling and Ribs
    Design Changes
    Using Drawings
    Bottom-Up Assembly Modelling
    Using Assemblies