Global rank:
80,957 / 94,788
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D CAD Design 3D CAD Modeling 3D Design 3D Solidworks Aerospace Design Aerospace Engineering Aviation Design CAD Design CAD Modeling DraftSight FEA Finite Element Analysis Guitar playing Microsoft Office Onshape PrusaSlicer Stress Analysis


I have 13 years of experience in 3D design and aerospace structural stress analysis. I can design parts that are strong and light, and help you bring your ideas to life. I also offer 3D printing.


  • Principal Aircraft Mechanical Engineer Tactical Air Support · Full-time Feb 2023 – Present 2 yrs 1 mos Jacksonville, FL, United States I lead structural design development in support of a large avionics mod on military fighter jets
  • Engineer IV Andromeda Systems Incorporated · Full-time Nov 2011 – Feb 2023 11 yrs 3 mos Jacksonville, FL, United States Finite element analysis, classical hand analysis, stress report approvals, repair design on pretty much anything the Navy flies. FEA subject matter expert.


  • University of North Florida BS, Mechanical Engineering, 3.34 2007 – 2011 Mechanical engineering degree from ABET accredited university

Other experience

  • Touring Musician
  • Guitar Teacher Taught kids and adults to play rock, blues, country, jazz guitar. 11 years.