Global rank:
81,068 / 95,042
Skill pts: 0
2D AutoCAD 3D Models Architecture Design Autodesk 3DS Max CAD Design Skechup Twinmotion


architecture design, interior, exterior, cad and 3d models, home, hotels, villa, office, lanscape, and orther


  • Architecture and Design Architect studio · Full-time Aug 2002 – Present 22 yrs 7 mos Indonesia architecture service design
  • architecture design eraloka arsitek studio · Part-time Aug 2000 – Present 24 yrs 7 mos Indonesia serving the creation of architectural and construction designs that include: houses, hotels, villas, hospitals, offices, apartments, shops, interiors, exteriors, landscapes, and so on, design products in the form of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional design drawings, thank you.


  • Architecture and Design Engineer, architectural, A 1996 – 2003 Activities and Societies: - -