♦ An effective communication with excellent Relationship building & inter personal skills, strong analytical, problem solving, organizational abilities, possess a flexible & detail oriental attitude.
♦ Willingness to learn and team facilitator.
➢ SPM (Special Purpose Machines)
➢ Packaging line (Secondary Packaging and End of line Packaging)
➢ Warehouse Automation (Case Roller Conveyor , Pallet Roller Conveyor ,Pallet Chain Conveyor , 90 Degree Pop up Conveyor , Rack , AGV, DWS System (Static, Dynamic)
➢ Knowledge of Geometric Tolerance.
➢ Expert in Sheet Metal Modeling.
➢ Exposure to Pneumatics.
Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak
B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, A
2010 – 2014
Activities and Societies:
Cricket, Reading Books
Other experience
Warehouse Automation
Case Roller Conveyor , Pallet Roller Conveyor ,Pallet Chain Conveyor , 90 Degree Pop up Conveyor , Rack , AGV, DWS System (Static, Dynamic), Spiral Roller Conveyor, Robot Pick and place arrangement etc. .
Licenses & Certifications
Deepak manni
mitsu cad education society
Jan 2014 –