Global rank:
83,586 / 85,956
Skill pts: 0


Since 2000 I have founded a construction company and built more than 80 cottages. In 2011 I created a technology to build thatched houses from wooden panels filled with straw and clayed with clay. I am a structural engineer. I have also developed 3 types of panel presses and a franchise to teach panel making and construction. I have a popular EcoBud website and themed channels on YouTube and ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒.


  • Design Engineer Services Eco-Bud · Self-employed Apr 2002 – Present 22 yrs 5 mos Ukrainka, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine

Joined: August 12, 2024

Last seen: August 17, 2024


Ukrainian Professional working proficiency

Russian Professional working proficiency

English Elementary proficiency


Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine