Global rank:
88,787 / 95,237
Skill pts: 0



1. Translate 2D drawings to 3D Conceptual Designs: Convert 2D layout drawings into detailed 3D models and technical drawings for construction and implementation.

2. Engineering Sketches to Documented Drawings: Take preliminary design drawings from engineers and complete the detailed design. Translate engineering sketches and markups into properly documented drawings, including:
a. AC single line diagrams
b. Arrangement drawings
c. Assembly drawings

3. Create As-Built Drawings: Document actual dimensions and locations of infrastructure components as they are built, essential for future maintenance and upgrades.

4. Accurate Electronic Drawing Revisions: Interpret and document client-provided red pen or hand-drawn mark-ups, resulting in accurate electronic drawing revisions in PDF, CAD, or other native formats.

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Joined: November 18, 2024

Last seen: December 11, 2024


English Native or bilingual proficiency


Melbourne, Australia