Global rank:
9,787 / 95,045
Skill pts: 0


I provide project and product consulting for a wide range of products for manufacturers and individuals throughout the United States. I specialize in 3D solid modeling and 2D CAD design.

I can help you determine if your concept is viable for production and guide you through the manufacturing process.

MC3D LLC specializes in CAD design and development services. Skilled in 3D modeling and 2D document technical specifications for product manufacturing. Learn more about my CAD design services through my website (▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒


  • Ferris State University Associate of Applied Science, Manufacturing Tooling Technology 2007 graduation
  • Ferris State University Bachelor of Science, Product Design Engineering Technology 2007 graduation


Age: 41

Joined: April 16, 2013

Area of Expertise


Reno, NV, United States