Global rank:
90,686 / 94,838
Skill pts: 0


All New, All Different.

Born in New York, Raised in Lagos, and Lives in Texas –Peter has developed a sense of design across cultures and time. With a knack for design and the call for restless creativity, he strives to redefine aesthetics, breathing life into every solution with a unique blend of imagination and precision. Whether freelancing his way through the industry or interning at a mission-driven company, he is willing to deliver a new, unique and satisfying collaborative experience for his future partners—with an eclectic skillset of mechanical product design and analysis, ergonomic design, A-level surface modelling, prototyping, graphic design, and presentation.

You may see a watch, but he sees a wearable clock device. You see a normal car, he sees a four-wheeled diesel-powered bicycle. You see a phone, he sees a sophisticated computer shrunk to a handheld pocket device. You see a stethoscope, he sees a slick rubber-tubed heart reader. You see a simple product, he sees the next stepping stone to innovation.

Peter is a junior Mech.Engr student at Prairie View A&M University with an interest in product design + consumer electronics + ergonomics.

He is ecstatic to meet all of you—

In a multi-faceted design studio driven by the whim of product development and visualization.

For a non-profit cause on a mission for social impact and the betterment of environmental welfare.

In a start-up manufacturing company ready for the world of design, technology and business.

In his inbox for a intriguing conversation on the latest trends in product design and engineering.

Let’s Connect!


  • Summer Engineering Intern Medtronic · Internship Jun 2024 – Aug 2024 2 mos Minneapolis, MN, United States Medtronic PLC is an American-Irish medical device company that develops and manufactures healthcare technologies and therapies.

    My team aimed to replace the semi-automated tabletops by building a robust automated machine at Medtronic—Brooklyn Park, reaching for a programmatic annual savings of $0.85m for FY25. To support this initiative, I documented over 50 FAT functional test draft plans for the team working on the Fusion CVR automated assembly machine. This task required a good understanding of the assembly machine's functionalities and design that ensured that the testing process was comprehensive, efficient, and aligned with project goals, ultimately contributing to the successful development and timely launch of the Fusion CVR automated assembly machine.

    As a collective endeavor to improve team efficiency and reduce documentation errors, my manager sought to evaluate Polarion—an online requirements management tool— and its traceability features against requirement and test documents. I supported this initiative by conducting thorough tracing testing, gathering feedback from my manager, and compiling a feasible report with recommendations. I successfully completed this task by delivering accurate results that will contribute to improved productivity and quality within our work. This aligns with the Medtronic Mindset of competing to win by moving with speed and decisiveness—and delivering results the right way.

    As part of a team challenge, interns were tasked with prototyping cost-effective provisional adapters for the end-arm effectors of Six-Axis and SCARA robots within the laboratory. I focused on the SCARA robot, designing and 3D printing multiple iterations of mockups. While a fully functional prototype was not achieved within the timeframe, this experience —a daunting task but exciting— provided valuable hands-on learning in 3D modeling, 3D printing, and the iterative process of product design and development— and crucial aspects of Design for Rapid Prototyping at Medtronic.


  • Prairie View A&M University BS, Mechanical Engineering, 3.66 2022 – 2026 (expected)


Joined: December 23, 2024

Last seen: February 21, 2025


English Full professional proficiency


Spring, TX, United States