Global rank:
90,848 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0
2d and 3d solidworks Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Bambu studio CAD Design Canva Makerworld Nomad Sculpt


Day job at a small sign company that specializes in channel letters and pylon signs.

Hobbies include niche pop culture merchandise design in 2D and 3D.

I also participate in local community activities and get asked to help with creative stuff on a regular basis.


  • Store Manager Mr. Sign · Full-time Feb 2016 – Present 9 yrs 1 mos Pasadena, TX, United States Sales and customer service for generic products like magnets and banners. Accepting and records keeping for payments.

    Graphics using vector and bitmap editing software. Vinyl cutting and pattern drawings done in house. Prints are outsourced.

    Permit Pulling includes detailed drawings, plot plans, Jurisdiction research and applications.

    Productions and installation for vinyl signs on substrates and customer products. Patterns prepped in house.


  • San Jacinto College Visual arts, Art 2005 – 2007

Other experience

  • Pop Culture Conventions Convention and pop culture Conventions include Comic Book/Hollywood, Horror/Hollywood, and Anime/Influences.

    Celebrity guests personal assistant/sales/customer service. Celebrity handler.