Global rank:
91,831 / 95,835
Skill pts: 0


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with over 33 years of distinguished experience in engineering design and project execution.


Expert in leading engineering software, including SOLIDWORKS, FEA/CFD tools, TEKLA Structural Designer, TEKLA Structures, and SAP2000.
Proficient in mechanical, structural, civil, and process design, as well as advanced simulation techniques.
Successfully completed a wide range of design projects, including:

Food and agricultural engineering innovations.
Mechanical, structural, and civil engineering solutions.
Process engineering designs.
CFD and FEA simulations.
Piping circuits and pumping system analysis and design.
Pakistan’s first indigenous freeze dryer based on the lyophilization process.
Heat exchanger simulation and design.
Structural analysis and design of steel frameworks.
High-speed pickle mango plant design.
High-speed apple peeler design.
Low-cost, mobile grain dryer development.
Scissor lift mobile work platform design.
Complete plant design for rice bran oil extraction.
Design of Pakistan's largest Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) production plant.


  • Technical Manager ATS SYNTHETIC (PVT) LTD. · Full-time Jan 2025 – Present 2 mos Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan As Technical Manager in ATS SYNTHETIC (PVT) LTD. (Pakistan’s leaders in production of synthetic leather, Plastics films, Geomembrane, Plasticizers and Polyurethane chemicals) June 2011 to date
    • Planned, designed and executed many production plants and building projects, savings tens of millions of Rupees in the process.
    • Totally revamped material handling systems saving about Rs. 60 million.
    • Changed the energy source from the expensive/non-available natural gas and fuel oil to coal, continuously saving millions of Rupees annually.
    • Played key role in planning and installation of PU Chemicals production plant; the largest and most advanced in Pakistan. Saved about 50 million rupees by re-evaluating the structural design of PU plant support and building structure.
    • Conceptualized, sized and designed the Cold rooms’ halls for the sensitive chemicals storage.
    • Streamlined the utilities, especially compressed air distribution system, resulting in savings of millions of Rs. through efficient energy utilization and subsequent process improvements.
    • Designed and fabricated a thermal oil heater of about 1.5 million kcal/hr; fabricated it from waste materials mostly. Also designed and fabricated an air-preheater for this machine which approached the efficiency of an Italian design. Saving about 10 million Rs.
    • Designed and installed the fire hydrant system from ground-up. Saved about Rs.10 million by executing the project with in-house resources and through efficient piping layout.
    • Planned and installed Pakistan's largest steel drum plant. Saved about 10 million rupees by doing many jobs in-house.


  • University of Engineering and Technology (UET Lahore) B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Mechacnical Engineering, A 1985 – 1990

Licenses & Certifications

  • Professional Engineer Pakistan Engineering Council Dec 1990 – Present