Global rank:
18,203 / 93,224
Skill pts: 0


I am a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky with a bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering. I graduated magna cum laude with a GPA of 3.74 out of 4. There are a few things that separate me from the average university graduate, however. My senior capstone design group won the Cummins Design award for top performance. This award is distributed by representatives of the same Cummins famous for diesel engines, and is given to one capstone group each semester. Secondly, while many of my peers obtained at most three semesters of co-op and internship experience, usually none, I obtained five semesters worth of industry experience. Thirdly and finally, in my own time I work on small engineering projects. To date I have researched, designed, and developed a small hovercraft, a remote control zeppelin, a small coil gun, a motorized bicycle, a microwave spot welder, and smelting of aluminum in a home-built furnace. Currently I am working on designing and building a motorcycle from scratch.

I have formal training in Lean manufacturing, with some experience before the training in implementation of lean principles (without knowing I was implementing a Lean philosophy). Other areas where I have extra formal training are: AutoCAD and Inventor parametric design softwares, design for manufacturing, and micro/nano-electromechanical systems.


Age: 31

Joined: January 5, 2017


Richmond, VA, United States