Global rank:
3,161 / 95,043
Skill pts: 9


I am innovative and wide experienced mechanical engineer with over six years of experience in successful implementing of projects from idea to perfectly working equipment. My work includes design and construction of mechanical equipment in particular furniture and technology related products for workplaces, fire resistant constructions and milk industry equipment. I also have a successful experience in improvement of productive efficiency by finding new solutions in manufacturing.

12/2009 – 04/2011
Mechanical engineer
«Ronix» | Kirov, Russia | ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

- Individually developed and designed tanks and vessels for milk industry (curd vat, chill tanks, storage tanks for milk and vat pasteurizer) as well as service equipment (tables, vat and stairs) which used in day-to-day operations of milk factories over whole territory of Russian Federation and Kazakhstan;
- Increased sales of equipment due to introduction of innovative technologies as well as development of high-quality technical assignment;
- Reduced schedule terms for equipment production due to introduction of new operations and production methods;
- Reduced schedule terms for putting into operation of equipment due to high quality of developed manuals and instructions for installation and operation of equipment;
- Attracted new clients due to developed and designed new types of cooling and heating jackets as well as mixers for tank and vessels.

04/2011 – 03/2012
Mechanical Engineer
«SET - Fire-resistant» | Saint Petersburg, Russia

- Individually developed and designed fire-resistant curtains with the application of new technical solutions;
- Improved technical characteristics of fire-resistant curtains that already developed in company due to creation of new mechanisms and units and introduction of new types of fireproof fabric coatings;
- Increased sales of fire-resistance curtains due to application of innovative technologies and fireproof fabrics in the production of fire-resistant curtains;
- Reduced threefold term for installation of fire-resistance curtains due to the high quality of developed manuals and instructions as well as introduction of innovative elements in constructional design of fire-resistant curtains;
- Successfully conducted negotiations with Chinese partners in regard to conclusion of contract on supply of fireproof fabrics on the most favorable terms;
- Successfully provided consultations for clients in regard to application of fire-resistance constructions in completed and designed buildings.

04/2012 – Present
Lead Mechanical Engineer
“Fire-resistant constructions” | Saint Petersburg, Russia | ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

- Created a new division in company for construction of fire-resistant equipment from the ground up;
- Offered innovative solutions for clients in fire safety on various kinds of facilities including educational facilities, hospitals, shopping malls, stores, office buildings, public eating facilities etc.;
- Individually developed and successfully put into operation fire-resistant constructions (curtains, windows, doors and gates);
- Arranged manufacturing process in company from the ground up;
- Individually developed, designed and successfully put into operation unique fire resistant curtains with closed curve forms and mobile fire resistant shield for inflammable repairs for major oil company in Russia;
- Extended sales territory across all regions of Russia and Kazakhstan;
- Successfully conducted negotiations with Chinese and German partners in regard to supply of fireproof fabric and components for fire-resistant constructions at the price that twice less than primary offered price;
- Successfully conducted modernization and optimization of manufacturing process in conditions of financial crisis;
- Implemented new types of fireproof fabric coatings that allow to increase service life of fire-resistant curtains;
- Engaged new clients due to production of unique fire-resistant constructions that know no equals among equipment produced by competitors in its price and quality;
- Successfully removed and fixed defects of fire-resistant constructions produced and set up by competitors under request of clients;
- Individually developed and designed technologically new types of fire-resistant gates that have never been applied in Russia (currently the work is in progress).

02/2012 – Present
Remote Mechanical Engineer
“AFC Industries, inc.” | NY, USA | ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

- Designed furniture and technology related products for workplace (mobile racks and carts, ergotiers);
- Successfully conducted optimization of developing process for engineering department;
- Prepared briefs for customers;
- Prepared manuals and instructions.


  • Vyatka State University, Russia Bachelor's degree, Mechanical-engineering technology 2009 graduation


Age: 37

Joined: January 16, 2017

Area of Expertise


Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia