Global rank:
18,478 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


A group of Engineering experts merged to deliver specific needs by client. A combination of 22 years of experiences in engineering, we are the right choice for your job. As outstanding performances showed and recommended by others in previous work.

Our expertise are in the following engineering branch:
(Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Petroleum)

Our designing expertise are in the following software:
(Autocad, Inventor, Solidwork, AVEVA PDMS, SketchUp)

We compose all the skills needed to deliver the job in time with satisfaction guaranteed.


  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Master, Petroleum Engineering 2015 graduation
  • Universiti Malaysia Pahang Bachelor , Chemical Engineering 2013 graduation
  • AVEVA Asia Pacific Professional Certificate, Plant Design Management System (PDMS) 2012 graduation