Global rank:
21,289 / 94,725
Skill pts: 0


I am a designer creating user experiences in both the physical and digital mediums for more than 20 years. During this time I have designed and constructed installations and bespoke objects for various clients including installations with Arduino based components for museums and cultural foundations. I have won numerous awards along the way and have also taught a course in Experiential design at the Architectural Association in London. I have been working in Autodesk products since 1996. In addition I am a Fusion 360 Certified User
I have also completed a cinematography degree from NYU where I have had the privilege to work for various international publications as a photographer including the New York Times, Herald Tribune amongst others.


  • Autodesk (Certiport authorized) User Certified, Fusion 360 2017 graduation
  • New York University Certificate, Cinematography 2009 graduation
  • Architectural Association, London Certifiacte, Architectural Design 2004 graduation
  • Academy of Art University Certificate, Advanced Animation 1998 graduation
  • St Martin School of Arts Certificate, Graphic Design 1995 graduation
  • George Washington University BA, MBA, Finance 1992 graduation


Age: 57

Joined: October 30, 2017


Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus