Global rank:
21,380 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


i'm a mechanical engineer with a Masters degree in Aeronautics, i started designing with SolidWorks in 2008 for school projects and i continued learning about CAD and CAM software till today.
I have a good experience in CFD and Finite Element Analysis with OpenFoam, Fluent, Moldflow.
I worked as a mechanic in a Quarry with a lot of hydraulic machines.
I spent most of my working experience in China where i learned about injection molding machines, mold design and manufacturing, Mchining Centers, CNC Plasma Cutting and many other machines.
Pneumatics and hydraulics are my speciality, i also have a good understanding of Electrical drawings


  • IAB Masters, Aeronautical Engineering : Jet Propulsion 2015 graduation
  • Hamed Bendimred Bachaloreat, Mechanical Engineering 2010 graduation