Global rank:
23,355 / 93,432
Skill pts: 0


I have been working in 2D and 3D Autodesk CAD packages for around 6 years, both in a highschool and college classroom environment, and in competition and industry. I am currently focused on Autodesk Fusion 360 for the majority of my work, and I have been using it professionally for 4 years in the musical instrument industry developing custom guitars and mandolins from sketches on paper to fully detailed 3D models, 2D shop documentation, and CNC code. I'm also very familiar with developing woodshop tooling for manufacturing complex shapes such as those involved in instrument building. I have worked in depth in every stage and element of cutting edge musical instrument construction and manufacturing.


  • Kalamazoo Valley Community College Transferring to full university to study mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering 2021 graduation

Age: 7

Joined: June 9, 2018

Area of Expertise


Kalamazoo, MI, United States