Global rank:
5,598 / 96,279
Skill pts: 5
Arduino Autodesk Eagle (EagleCAD) Automation Testing and Debugging CAD Automation Engineering CAD Design CMOS Amplifier Design DC-DC Converter Design DIALux Digital Electronics Home Automation Design Lighting Design Micro-pile Microprocessor Programming Multisim Product Designer Project Management Engineer Siemens PLC Simulink SolidWorks Visual Studio


Well, I have always been a brilliant individual from my early education. This lead me to be achieve the title of Outstanding Student of the Year in my graduation. The aforementioned was not possible without hard work and commitment. Now, I would like to utilize these skills to give best and demanding engineering services throughout the world.

Design Entries


  • Staffordshire University BE (Hons), Electrical Engineering 2018 graduation