Global rank:
7,946 / 96,011
Skill pts: 1


Making your idea a reality
If you have a constructional idea, which you want to develop methodically with the help of technology and 2D or 3D cad design, then you can borrow our know-how.

We have the experience to parameterize your idea designing from simplest until complexest industrial projects.

The fields of our design activities are:

Any metal construction as buildings, metal elements, furnitures, railings-lattice, ladders, shelters, silo, bookshelves, doors, decorative elements, bridges, wares, machine parts e.t.c.

Any object and material.

Any machine beginning part by part until full assembly.

Any production line.

3D designs can be useful:

for the construction of concept objects and machines
for making patterns
for their import under electronic form (.dxf, .ipt, .iam, .dwg, .stl, .cnc) in cnc machines
for the consolidation of intellectual rights and patents
for presentations and promotion of new products
to create flat patterns in sheet forming
for accurate dimensioning objects
for integrated engineering design
or for any other use

There is also possibility of construction projects by our equipment in our facilities in terms of metal structures and machinery.


  • technology management university 2008 graduation