Global rank:
28,009 / 94,160
Skill pts: 0


R&D Projects
a. Computational Methodology to Solve Reactions for Statically Indeterminate Beams on Flexible Mounts
-The computational methodology was sorted out to solve the reaction forces on 4 and 6 axles vehicle.
-Already available analytical approaches were studied: Elastic Curve Equation, Three-Moment
Equation, and Beams on Elastic Foundation.
- Experimental Rig setup was devised and results were compared with the computational
- A research paper of this study was published in IBCAST-2016 Conference.

b. FEA Study of Crane Out trigger Mat
-Developed a finite element analysis procedure for simulation of stiffness behavior of foundations
under large-scale loads.
-The study was required for criteria building of ATPs for safe handling of the crane and its outriggers.
-It was also published in the International Conference on Structural Dynamics & Vibrations (ICSDV-2014).

c. Mathematical Modeling of 8 Axle Vehicle Steering
- Mathematical modeling in MATLAB/SIMULINK for an eight- axle steering system to simulate the
behavior while turning for 6DOF Steward Platform Motion Simulator.
Mechanical Design Projects
a. Landing Gear of a Light Aviation Grade RC Plane (Ongoing Project)
- Mathematical modeling of landing gear placement and finalization of its configuration.
- Mechanical component design of the nose and main landing gear deploying mechanisms with locking and
unlocking arrangements at deployed and retracted positions as per QMS of AS-9100C.
- Closing/Opening of landing gear stowage bay door with the same EMA of the nose landing gear.
b. Mechanical Design
- Modeling and designing of various mechanical structures/mechanisms using CAD modeling software.
- Preliminary and detailed engineering calculations at the conceptual and detailed engineering phase of
the project.
-Validation of modeled systems through the aid of FEA tools (ANSYS/ABAQUS).
-Taking projects through the Phases of Product Development Cycle (PDC) as per QMS of ISO or AS-


  • National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad (1) B.E in Mechanical Engineering (2) PTC Creo 3.0, MECHANICAL , A 2006 – 2010 Activities and Societies: APSS (ASME PNEC Student Section) Conducted 3 weeks short course on “ANSYS FEA package” held at Pakistan Navy Engineering College on
    the platform provided by APSS (ASME PNEC Student Section).

Age: 38

Joined: July 28, 2019


English Professional working proficiency

Urdu Native or bilingual proficiency


Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan