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  • Implant Design Engineer CML AT Medical · Full-time Apr 2018 – Jul 2020 2 yrs 3 mos Saint Petersburg, Russia Development and implementation of unique equipment: impactor for the establishment of vertebral cages during surgery
    Modelling and preparation of models for additive manufacturing
    Designing pation-matched and mass-produced endoprostheses for clinical use
    Design documentation elaboration, experimental samples making, tests conduction
    Preparing 3D printed anatomical models or computer simulation for preoperative planning
    Preparation of reporting documentation
    Preparation of patent documentation
    R&D project “Development of design technology for surgical guides for knee arthroplasty”. Know-how development with an indication of the description of the design process of individual guides, distinction between existing knee joint prostheses and reference points for positioning components
    R&D project “Development of design technology for an individual hip joint prosthesis and surgical guides for hip joint arthroplasty”. Know-how development with an indication of the description of the design process for individual acetabular constructs produced with 3D printing technique and individual guides
    R&D project “Development of replacement plate design technology for cranioplasty surgery”. Know-how development with an indication of the description of the design process for patient-specific cranial plate produced with 3D printing technique
    R&D project “Development of design technology for a set of medical devices for brachytherapy”.
    R&D project “Development of design technology for individual and standardized cages, which facilitates simplified cage insertion and zero-profile, intradiscal fixation through a direct, minimally invasive surgical approach".


  • St. Petersburg Ulyanov (Lenin) State Electrotechnical University 'LETI', Saint Petersburg Master, Faculty of Information-Measuring and Biotechnical Systems 2015 – 2017
  • Ufa State Aviation Technical University Bachelor, Biotechnical and Medical Assemblies and Systems 2011 – 2015