Global rank:
31,601 / 94,534
Skill pts: 0


I am a Mechanical Engineering Student from the City of Glasgow College now pursuing a career as CAD technician.

I have extensive knowledge of programs such as Inventor and AutoCAD to create 2D and 3D models of parts, assemblies and technical drawings.
I am happy to assist in general product design and manufacturing tasks, and I would love to gain experience from a large variety of different projects.

I have experience designing a conveyor system and building it in the workshop using the technical drawing I created, with great success.

I have a personal passion for CAD design as it allows me to be creative and I enjoy the challenges that come with this work.


  • City of Glasgow College HND , Mechanical Engineering 2018 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Graded Unit For the graded unit of college, I designed and build a conveyor system so fit specifications put forth by the client.
    The conveyor system was inexpensive, easy to build, and can be fully deconstructed within 5 minutes.
    For the conveyor system I also provided an extensive report including all the research, design processes, scheduling, concept sketches, verification strategies and more.

Other experience

  • World Skills Challenge I am competing in the World Skills Challenge for Computer-Aided Design. the competition requires competitors to build parts, fully assemble these parts, provide technical drawings and create a presentation of a desired product in six hours.
    From this i have learned how to build a Boxer Engine amongst other products and have advanced my Inventor skills greatly.