Global rank:
454 / 94,160
Skill pts: 87
1st 1st Place


I am a Mechanical Engineer both by education and trade. I have experience in design work and project work. I am familiar with design for assembly and design for manufacture.

K.I.S.S. is a principle I live by and I understand that designs should be manufacturable. I have knowledge of and experience with various fabrication processes including but not limited to 3D printing, machining, and welding.

My professional certification was given to me by Texas after rigorous testing and peer review. My area of testing was in Machine Design and Materials.

I can perform FEA analysis and make sense of the results, allowing me to make good engineering recommendations for a given problem.

I have spent the majority of my professional career designing dP (differential pressure) flow meters in accordance to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code as well as the accompanying ASME B31 series. I am very familiar with reading codes and standards and designing accordingly. This experience has also given me a strong understanding of GD&T. I am a good fit and so are my designs.

Design Entries

Private project


  • Project Engineer WIKA · Full-time Aug 2014 – Present 10 yrs 6 mos undefined, TX, United States Design and manufacture of dP flow elements


  • University of Texas at Arlington BS, mecanical engineering 2011 – 2014

Other experience

  • First Robotics

Licenses & Certifications