Global rank:
33,012 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0


This is Akshay vasisth, a mechanical engineer. I am very fond to take a task and then perform it precisely. Few starting months of my job, i have trained myself on machine shop to meet all the theoretical aspects of my knowledge. Now, my designing experience consists two software first is used mainly for 2D & another one for 3D. I am gaining my experience in Autocad & Solidworks to perform different projects. I worked on a project of Rolling mill establishment, where we established all the equipment(included machines) to start a plant of rolling mill. I was there in utility designing department, to design all the needed accessories to run the machines, like designing of hydraulic cylinder, valves or hydraulic pressured pipe line that connect with cylinders. Currently, i am working on panels that comes in sheet metal design, metro panels & pantograph. We are doing these projects for Indian government, so accuracy level is needed very high. This kind of pressure makes me very serious and disciplined to my work.


  • Design enginner River Engineering Pvt. Ltd. · Full-time Jun 2018 – Present 6 yrs 9 mos undefined, India


  • I.T.S ENGINEERING COLLEGE B-Tech, Mechaical Engineering, A 2014 – 2018