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34,154 / 94,534
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Structural Mechanics
We evaluate the structural integrity of your structures and mechanical components. Product design validation can be subject to several loads and boundary conditions criteria: external, cyclic, thermal, strain/displacement, and quasi-static loads and boundary conditions, just to name a few. Industry is reality, and reality is nonlinear: large deformations, elasto-plastic behaviour, contact and friction are all within reach of our modelling capabilities.

Dynamics & Vibrations
When inertial forces become prevalent because of the motion change of the examined body, dynamical investigations and checks are inevitable. In our harmonic and modal analyses in the frequency domain the frequency response of the loaded structure can be evaluated. However, there are many underlying issues that can occur before the probed system reaches its desired steady state. Transient dynamic analyses aid in assessing the behaviour in the time domain. Stress fields upon impact are also part of our dynamics toolbox.

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Nowadays, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been growing rapidly within the engineering era. Instead of building prototypes, we can evaluate the performance of a new design purely based on computational simulations. The CFD does not only provide qualitative results but can produce quantitative results as well, if done properly. With the CFD simulations we can investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior of heat exchangers, the loss of different pipe systems, the aerodynamic drag of moving objects and the churning loss of gears in oil lubrications, just to name a few.


  • University of Bristol MEng, Aerospace Engineering, First Class Honours 2014 – 2018

Joined: July 13, 2020


English Full professional proficiency

Hungarian Native or bilingual proficiency

German Full professional proficiency

Slovak Full professional proficiency

Czech Full professional proficiency

