Global rank:
40,602 / 94,534
Skill pts: 0


Competent civil engineer, specializing in public works projects and safety
constructions. Knowledge of construction techniques, geotechnics,
transport planning, logistics, team management, environmental
protection and standards.


  • Civil Engineer DESIGN OFFICE · Internship Nov 2020 – Present 4 yrs 3 mos undefined, Algiers Province, Algeria Include site visits and knowledge of how to manage projects, and learn about
    the modern way of working that depends on IT, and how to deal with the
    different institutions that are in the construction field.


  • HASSIBA BENBOUALI-CHLEF UNIVERSITY Master , CIVIL ENGINEERING OPTION STRUCTURE, B 2015 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Football Competent civil engineer, specializing in public works projects and safety
    constructions. Knowledge of construction techniques, geotechnics,
    transport planning, logistics, team management, environmental
    protection and standards.

Other experience

  • During the work of the end-of-study memory, I worked in coordination with a
    design office, which led to friction with civil engineers to understand the
    practical side of monitoring the work.