Global rank:
44,182 / 94,732
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D Design 3D CAD Assemblies & Parts 3D CAD Design 3D CAD Parts & Assemblies ADAMS ANSYS Workbench Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD Design CAD Modeling Lotus Shark Lotus Suspension Analysis Mechanical Engineer Motion View MSC Adams Multi Body Dynamics PTC Creo Parametric Rendering SolidWorks Structural Analysis Vehicle Dynamics


Mechanical engineer with 4 years experience in CAD modeling in Solidworks, creo, Autodesk F360.
I worked on many automobile projects where I was in charge of design, assembly, CAE, and creating drafts for the manufacturing of components.
I have knowledge of vehicle dynamics and have worked on suspension and steering subsystems in an automobile.