Global rank:
44,276 / 90,706
Skill pts: 0


Prototype design engineer currently, I excel in the use of Autodesk Inventor and Solidworks including Simulation, FEA and technical engineering drawings for component optimisation due to experience in the field of motorsport.


  • Prototype Design Engineer R&G Racing · Full-time Mar 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos undefined, England, United Kingdom


  • University Of Wales Trinity St Davids in Swansea Motorsports Engineering , AUTOMOTİVE ENGİNEERİNG AND DESİGN, 1:1 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Whilst completing this degree, I participated in the Motorsport Society and at weekends I attended 2 season of British Superbikes to carry out trackside engineer roles such as motorcycle setup and data analysis, this helped me also begin designing components which were 3D printed trackside. Motorsport Degree was motorcycle based

Joined: October 10, 2021

Connected Accounts


English Native or bilingual proficiency

Spanish Limited working proficiency


United Kingdom