Global rank:
14,347 / 92,867
Skill pts: 0


Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
I've been working the last 10 yrs in a well know Italian company that manufactures high end furniture.
I've been working in the R&D department and i took care (directly or as a coordinator) of the design, engineering, drafting, prototyping, costing, and production startupfor several product lines.
In the last years I was involved in the Contract division that deals with the production of large projects for the building sector (theatres seats, hotel, office).
During this period I was also involved beside the design and engineering of products in the commissioning and istall of the furniture.


  • Università Politecnica delle Marhe Degree, Mechanical Engineering 2005 graduation

Age: 46

Joined: October 31, 2015

