Hello there
I am elkeysar mechanical engineer designer
With skills in solidworks, solidcam, camworks, Ansys, coreldraw, swansoft, cnc programing
I worked in many projects as...
With my experience since 2015, I can offer solutions for all kinds of welding, machining and assembly works that can be done with sheet metal, solid model and surface modeling...
2D & 3D CAD Drawings2D & 3D Mechanical Assembly2D & 3D Modeling SolidworksCAD Design8
I graduated at Erzurum Technical University in the departmant of Mechanical Engineering. I joined Erasmus + program in Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. I did...
You can sure about these topics;
-Sheet metal design
-3D model
-CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing)
-Structural Analysis
I can use Solidworks and Catia
Best Regards