Hi, My name is Ihab!
In my portfolio you can find few of my jobs that I’ve developed. My strong side - i love always to learn and experience new things. I am not afraid new...
Diseño y modelado en 3D - 3D design and modeling
Diseño de piezas en aluminio y goma - Aluminium and ruber part design
Analisis por elementos Finitos- Finite element Analisys...
Hí, i´m from Venezuela, I have worked as a graphic designer for 8 years, i have the oportunity to make one design of a mechanical piece for a client, and i really enjoy it,...
I am a master degree graduate in the field of manufacturing engineering with 10 years of experience with CNC machines. My...
Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional.
Passionate Mechatronics Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the industrial automation industry. Highly Skilled in...
I have team of 5 more then +18 years experience within the following aspects of the Onshore Engineering sector: www.wellheadtechnology.com
- Pipeline
- Riser
- Manifold