General CAD Drafting, Design Development & Prototype Design Expert
We are a Design to manufacturing services company with direct presence in India, UAE and Germany with associate presence in the UK and USA. We have supported several OEM...
As an aerospace engineer with a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and advanced engineering concepts, I specialize in creating innovative designs and solving complex...
I have worked with software such as Aoutocad and Solidwors and even Ansysworkbench for fluid simulations. And I'm very interested in aerospace and I need to be trusted to work.
Hello! I am an aspiring Aerospace Engineer (graduation exp. Dec., 2020) offering an interdisciplinary and international mindset. I am experienced in Design and AIT for aerial...
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from MIT
5+ yrs in aerospace engineering industry w/ manufacturing and product design experience from several major aerospace companies. I...
Work History
Radio Technician, HRT (Croatian Radio and television broadcasting network), Radio Rijeka
My responsibilities here were sound realization and technical...
My name is Mohamed Elgendy, I’m an Aeronautical Egyptian Engineer
I am a passionate Aerospace Engineer who loves working in all the subjects involved in this field. I can...
I am a graduate in Aerospace Engineering (with spl. in Avionics) from India. Currently working in a Robotics AI Research Lab. My research interest includes concept design for...