Global rank:
34,011 / 94,788
Skill pts: 0


- Advanced CAD and Mechanical Design
- FEA and Structural Analysis
- Rapid Prototyping and Design for Manufacturing
- Design Optimization (cost/weight)

MSc Aerospace Engineering, Embry-Riddle

+ Named inventor on patent 20190322365, Bell Aerospace
+ Published works in AIAA Journal: DOI 10.2514/1.C035183
+ Solidworks
+ Fusion360
+ Solidorks Simulation
+ SimFlow


  • Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Solutions · Full-time Jul 2018 – Present 6 yrs 8 mos Phoenix, AZ, United States Design and Engineering for Eviation, supporting all-electric aircraft prototypes in Prescott, AZ facility
    o Design and development of ‘iron-bird’ test rigs for Alice program
    o Structural simulations for sizing and validation
    o Design for additive manufacturing, implemented additive manufacturing capabilities, validated designs through physical testing and FEA

    • Design and Vibration Simulation of text fixtures for vibration and environmental testing, test for modal freq.

    • Graphic generation/CAD modelling for AGSE/SpyderCrane contract, meeting graphical standards for U.S. Army

    • Design of custom aftermarket aerospace parts for machining, 3d printing and other manufacturing methods

    • Test procedure creation for LRU’s, from writing QTP through physical testing and reporting


  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering 2018 – 2020 • Materials Selection: appropriate selection of materials based on mechanical properties and needs of structure
    • Structural Optimization: mathematical methods for design optimization, including programming of optimization
    • Into to Finite Element Method: mathematical basics to finite element methods and underlying concepts for FEA
    software and implementation
    • Structural Health Monitoring: introduction to active health monitoring systems (SHM) for analyzing the health
    of a structure in real time, reducing need for periodic maintenance and improving safety in aerospace systems
    • Composite Structures: mechanical and strength property calculation for composite layups, design of composite
    structures and MATLAB scripting for composite structure design optimization