I have a solid 24 years experience in MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) product design and manufacturing such as sensors, actuators and electronic circuits on a silicon...
Good at new concept modelling.
Worked as innovation member in Konecranes pvt. Ltd where inspection time of hoist was reduced to half purely by modifications in 3D model....
Mechanical Engineer student @ Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná - Campus Pato Branco
Member of Baja SAE Team Pato Baja - Department Leader Calculations and...
Working as SENIOR DESIGN ENGINEER in an Automation company for last 3 years
Worked as an Chief Designer For SAE BAJA 2015, SAE BAJA 2014
Applied For 2 Patent Designs from...
Mechanical Engineering, CAD Design & Sheet Metal Design Professional
Rahul is a dedicated student of the Delhi technological University and is an active member of the designing team of the university . He takes pleasure in his work in designing...
Demonstrated knowledge of Fluid Machinery and Machine Design. Executing Engineering Research on Emission Free Jhute Boiler. MF Iqbal started his career as a member of the...
Concept Design, Paper to CAD Conversion & PDF to DWG Designer
I m associate member of institition of Engineers(IEI), did majors in mechanical Engineering. I worked in many product design, manufacturing firms as Designer. I have worked on...
General Design, Machine Design & 3D Modelling Professional
Ambitious young engineering student with a great interest in consulting. With a main field in mechatronics, product development and -supply, I strive to do my best, whether it's...
Astute Innovations is team of creative people.
We, at Astute Innovations do not measure our talent in timely bound experience, rather we believe in the capability of each...
Shyamsundar. J
+91-8608098175, 9442126895.
Objective: To work for an organization this provides me the opportunity to improve my skills and...