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mohamedh2580 $25/hr

Mohamed H.

Materials Engineering Science Designer

  • Structural Analysis
  • Civil Drafting
  • CAD Design
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Design Calculation
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Engineering Project Management
  • 2D Structural Drafting
  • Auto Cad 2D
  • Autodesk Civil 3D
  • AutoCAD
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D
  • SAP
  • STAAD Pro
  • 2D AutoCAD

Last updated: Feb 1, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Materials Engineering Science Designers

If you are looking for materials engineering science professionals, Cad Crowd has a community of freelancers and experts you can hire.

Our roster of materials engineers and materials scientists are equipped with the skills and knowledge to get the job done and help you complete your project. Pre-qualified, you are assured of a materials engineering science professional that can produce deliverables backed by a guarantee that they are accurate to your project specifications. 

Hiring materials engineering science professionals online can be daunting and time-consuming, what with the need to sift through a ton of resumes. At Cad Crowd, we take the guesswork out of online recruitment and connect you directly with the materials engineer or materials scientist that you are looking for. 

Based on the project brief you send to us, we will analyze the specifications and choose the most suitable freelancer for the job. This way, you can cut short the hiring process and work on your projects right away. 

Different materials are used to produce any structure, product, or device. But only the right material can create something that has all the right attributes and functions. This is where materials science and engineering come into play. 

It provides the resources and information on why ceramics are best used for a specific application than glass or why polymers are better than composites. In the aircraft department, for example, the research efforts of a materials engineering science expert has led to the discovery of new coatings that can replace steel/bronze bearings that are used in A350/A380 aircraft and cut the bearings' weight in half. 

Some materials scientists also look into the different properties of a spider web, some of which cannot be engineered but shows amazing promise. With a better understanding of the properties of a web's variety of silk, they will be able to create materials that mimic the material's attributes.  

Part of the job of materials engineering science experts is to study a material's societal impact as well. They look into how natural or engineered materials can change the climate or the environment, and affect advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, materials efficiency, renewable and sustainable energy, healthcare, communications and information technology, and aerospace and transport. 

Suffice to say that there are plenty of advantages in studying materials engineering and science, what with it being a multi-disciplinary area of study. It covers elements of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics. Applied properly, a materials engineering science expert can make a real difference in research and various industries. 

Our materials engineering science professionals have the knowledge and experience in researching nanomaterials, biomaterials, and those used in electronic, magnetic, and optical applications. With their knowledge of computational science and theory, they can discover new properties of existing materials or design new materials based on new information discovered. 

Need help with the application of materials science and engineering? Their knowledge about the properties of various materials, such as composites, metal alloys, and semiconductors, will be the tools you need to reach your project goals. 

Submit your project details for a free no-obligation quote from any of our materials engineering science experts.

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