Global rank:
50,493 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


I'am passionate about innovation in technology and design. My profile as a future mechanical engineer is oriented towards the implementation of new digital technologies in the industry to achieve competitiveness and be part of Industry 4.0.

I want to advance on the integration of the areas of production, manufacturing and design with the IT sector.

I seek to enter the labor market to develop my technical skills in the design of industrial machinery and learn more about automation, optimization and new technologies used in production processes.


  • IT Systems Manager Calcerano · Full-time Mar 2019 – May 2022 3 yrs 2 mos San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina Company dedicated to processing and packing citrus fruits. The main tasks performed were:
    -Managed the information and data uploaded to the company's system, in the packing process. (Fruit stock control, fruit reception, fruit palletizing, etc.)
    -Generated documentation and controlled shipments of fruit for export to the European Union, the United States and other international destinations, taking into account current regulations.
    -Carried out analysis and prepared reports of the process in general (production, yields, producers and quality)
    Also perform occasional tasks such as:
    -Realization of plans in AutoCAD and Solidworks for audits of international certifications of the establishment.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Certified SolidWorks Mechanical Design Assosiate - CSWA Dassault Systèmes Jul 2021 – Present See credential