Global rank:
7,105 / 95,239
Skill pts: 5


I'm a junior mechatronics engineer at EJUST, focusing on the mechanical field for 2+ years with different CAD software like AutoCAD, Skectchup, and Solidworks. My skillset honed my skills in mechanical 2D drafting, 3D modeling, simulation (Entry LVL), and rendering (Mid LVL).


  • 2022 Shell-Eco Marathon Competition SHELL · Internship Jun 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt We are currently arranging online meetings with the management team to discuss the roadmap for our progression. Any related mechanical designs will be uploaded after getting approval from the leaders.
  • Egypt-Mate ROV Competition 2022 Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport Alexandria · Internship Jun 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt We are currently working on the mechanical design of our ROV. Any related mechanical work will be uploaded after taking approval from the leaders.


  • Egypt Japan University for Science and Technology Undergraduate, Mechatronic Engineering, CGPA 3.2 2019 – 2024 Activities and Societies: Robotics Club member Reading Web Browsering

Other experience

  • MTE314-Mechanical Vibrations Introduction -Vibration of single degree of freedom systems (free, damped, forced) -Vibration Isolation: Vibration of two degree of freedom systems (free, forced) -Vibration absorber -Torsional vibration (free, forced) Dynamic stresses -Equivalent torsional systems: crank system, geared system -Vibration of multi-degree of freedom systems (free. Forced)-Critical speeds of shafts: Shafts with lumped masses, shafts with distributed masses, balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses.
  • MTE211-Theory of Machines Mechanisms and Machines: Terminology and definitions -Types of motion-Degrees of freedom-classification of Kinematic pairs -Displacement, velocity, and acceleration analyses in mechanisms -velocity and acceleration polygons--instantaneous centre of velocity--computer aided kinematic analysis of mechanisms -Belts-Ropes-Chains-Gears & Gear Trains-Cams-flywheel.
  • IME121-Engineering Drawing Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Design—Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) -Sketching Applications ---Lines and Lettering---Drafting Geometry---Multiviews -Dimensioning and Tolerancing-Fasteners and Springs -Sections, Revolutions, and Conventional Breaks -Pictorial Drawings and Technical Illustrations Working Drawings-Working Drawings -perspective drawing -Mechanisms: Linkages, Cams, Gears, and Bearings Belt and Chain Drives-Welding Processes and Representations -Electrical and Electronics Drafting-Industrial Process Pipe Drafting-Structural Drafting-Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Civil Drafting-Implementation using SolidWorks or equivalent software.
  • MCE111-Mechanics (Statics + Dynamics) Resultant of force systems; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; distributed force, statically determinate systems; trusses; friction; moments of inertia; virtual work. Diagrams of shear and bending moments Introduction to vibrations: kinematics of a particle and rigid body; forces and accelerations; work and energy; impulse and momentum; dynamics of a system of particles and rigid bodies; introduction to vibrations. Lagrange's equations of the second order Kinematic and dynamic analysis of moving mechanical systems with constant and variable transmission. basis of the impact theory of the bodies. The dynamics of a variable mass body