Global rank:
53,220 / 96,093
Skill pts: 0


-I'm a Mechanical design engineer, with over 8 years of experience in special purpose machine (SPM) design, analysis and development, successfully completed more than 200 projects as a project leader/designer.
-I have great expertise in Automatic assembly lines like Ignition top coil, Isolator switches, Endurance testing machine for four-wheeler door’s window regulator, Vehicle flexible exhaust connector, Process machines like robo painting, soldering, deburring, caulking. EOLT machines for Vehicle HVAC, BLDC Motor controller, Celling fan, Material handling solution like four-wheeler sliding platform, Belt conveyor system of PCB soldering line.
Skill set:
-CAD- Solidworks, Unigraphics NX, Catia, AutoCAD
-FEA with NASTRAN, ANSYS and Solidworks simulation
-Prepare detailed manufacturing drawings using advanced concept of GD&T
-Tolerance stack-up analysis, gauge tolerance calculation
-Actuators selection for various application- ball screw motor actuator, belt conveyors, pneumatic application
-In depth Pneumatic and hydraulic system- actuator, valves, power pack selections and circuit design
-High speed application bearing selection, experience in mechanical vibration problem and its solutions.
-Project/Machine DFMEA, Machine operation FDS for PLC programing team and machine manual
-Design approval document preparation based on in-depth understating of customer requirement.
-Project management- Cost estimation, project progress tracking and alignment with customer.


  • Senior Mechanical Design Engineer AVL List GmbH · Full-time Apr 2021 – Present 3 yrs 11 mos Gurugram, HR, India Special purpose machine concept development to final design approval from customer, detail design, preparation of manufacturing drawings, FEA analysis, DFMEA, and manufacturing development at vendor end, co-ordinate with electrical team and provide required programing flow diagram to PLC team.
    • Automotive test cell engine mounting frame and Dynamometer intermediate frame design, drawings, Harmonic vibration FEA analysis with NASTRAN and manufacturing development at vendor end.
    • Two-wheeler E-motor test rig mechanics design and development (critical challenge: 15000 RPM Bearing block design and its Run-in procedure, rotating parts mass balancing, transmission line torsional FEA analysis, system vibrational control within Vrms 4 mm/s)
    • Test cell facility heavy structure design validation by FEA static analysis, Utility Tanks Hydro-static and pressure vessel FEA analysis to optimize shell thickness.
    • Dynamometer RCA documentation, Production IMS Documentation and service quires support
  • Mechanical Design Engineer pioneer machines & automation (p) ltd · Full-time Apr 2014 – Apr 2021 7 yrs Gurugram, HR, India • Lead Mechanical Design team: Concept development to final design approval from customer, detail design and drawings, inhouse manufacturing and assembly, co-ordinate with electrical team and provide required programing flow diagram to PLC team.

    • Handle new SPM enquiry: Purpose machine concept design to meet customer requirement under customer project budget, cost estimation of project, site visit.

    • Project management: Identify project challenges and co-ordinate with electrical, manufacturing and purchase team to keep project on time, supervision of part manufacturing, inspection and assembly process, workmanship quality improvement, onsite and inhouse machine troubleshooting.


  • PTU Jalandhar B . E, Mechancial engineering 2010 – 2014

Licenses & Certifications

  • ANSYS Udemy Aug 2020 – Present
  • pneumatics system SMC company certificate May 2019 – Present
  • Solid Works CAAD Centre May 2015 – Present
  • AUTO CAD Autodesk Aug 2014 – Present