Industrial design, computer science, attention to detail.
My achievements: together with a business partner, we are preparing for mass production of a frame and suspension for electric urban transport.
Higher technical education, physical and mathematical education at school, I can write program code in Java, Python, Learned to program and operate Fanuc industrial manipulators, for the last few years I have been fond of designing on the Autodesk Inventor platform.
3D Models
Aliexpress · Full-time
Dec 2021 –
3 yrs 3 mos
undefined, Russia
Manual and automated testing of the company's software products.
St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after G. V. Plekhanov (Technical University)
Economist - manager, Economics and management at the enterprises of the coal industry and in the field of geological exploration, 4.6
2003 – 2009
Activities and Societies:
The working group whose members were supposed to organize the work of the first service center for servicing imported mining equipment in the Vorkuta coal basin.
My task was to organize logistical links and calculate the economic indicators of the project.
23 Middle School of General education.
Graduate, physical and mathematical class, 4.7
1991 – 2002
Activities and Societies:
Sports swimming, drafting and geometry, architectural group
My task was to organize logistical links and calculate the feasibility of the project.
Other experience
Generative design by Fusion360
In the process of studying.
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ - bots, QA automation, other projects.
QA automation
Licenses & Certifications
Fanuc robot electrical service
Fanuc LLC, Russia
May 2021 –
Roboguide software package for Fanuc robots
Fanuc LLC, Russia
May 2021 –
Advanced programming of Fanuc robots
Fanuc LLC, Russia
May 2021 –