Global rank:
53,684 / 95,015
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling ANSYS ANSYS CFX AutoCAD CAD Design Dimensioning and Tolerancing Drafting and Detailing FEA Simulation Engineering Fortran Programming Ground Vibration Testing NX Nastran Siemens NX (Unigraphics) SolidWorks 10 Structural Analysis Structural Dynamics Vibration Analysis


  • Mechanical engieer Space agency · Full-time Jan 2015 – Present 10 yrs 2 mos undefined, Algeria I have experience with environment testing such as sine and random vibration, shock, and
    acoustics. Alongside my activity of testing, I carry out finite element analysis for assessing structural dynamic
    behavior (modal, random and shocks analysis), pretest and FE model and correlation.
    I do 3D modeling and 2D drawings on Solidworksfor, Autocad and Nx, I also make technical drafting with
    quotation, dimensioning and tolerancing.

Other experience

  • Mechanical manufacturing How to make a part, machining, stages of manufacturing. I have a solid experience using machine tools.
  • Fortran programming language I used to program in fortran at university, and currently I am doing it for fun. I developed some applications like a program for calculating dynamic properties for a given structure (center of mass, moments of inertia). I also developed a material data base that exports materilas data to ANSYS.