Global rank:
54,345 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0


I am Arda. I am a mechanical engineer. I am currently working as a design engineer in a company that produces machinery. I have been performing mechanical designs for 4 years in Solidworks and Catia V5 Cad programs. I have done various projects on reverse engineering. I am experienced in Structural and Kinematic Analysis. I can help you transfer your designs or projects you want to produce to 3D digital media, I can perform your part design, assembly and sheet metal designs. In addition, I would be happy to assist you in your work for which you need technical support.


  • Research & Development Engineer Baykal Machinery · Full-time May 2022 – Present 2 yrs 10 mos Bursa, Bursa, Turkey Sheet metal working machines design and R&D developments.


  • Dumlupınar University 2.75, Mechanical egineering 2015 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Wankel engine design and analysis Propeller design with reverse engineering