Global rank:
54,494 / 90,706
Skill pts: 0


Skeletal / parametric method gave me successfull opportunities in many industrial design areas which was source of experience for wide range machinery and structural projects.
In the scope you'll find heavy and light conveying systems used in wood and furniture industries but also building materials production lines including rock melting furnaces, factory exhaust filtering installations (Luehr Filter), vacuum furnaces for titanium alloys (Secowarwick/Retech systems). Lately bussy with gas & oil piping installations.
By education I'm digital measurement systems designer/programmer but by experience (since 2002) mechanical / structural engineer and technologist.


  • University of Zielona Gora, Poland Master, Electrotechnics / Digital measurement systems 1995 – 2001

Joined: November 10, 2022

Last seen: March 22, 2024


English Full professional proficiency

Polish Native or bilingual proficiency

French Limited working proficiency

Russian Limited working proficiency

