Global rank:
56,733 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0


* Senior-level engineering analysis experience performing structural, response/vibration, dynamics, fracture and fatigue, and pressure vessel blast and fragmentation analysis in the aerospace industry
* Expertise in technical theory of mechanical engineering areas such as structural and dynamic analysis, fracture mechanics, material science, structural analysis methods as well as design for manufacturing
* Experience in practical fundamentals such as manufacturing processes, product design and
development, mechanical design, lifecycle testing and mass production techniques that reduce costs of goods while maintaining high levels of quality and reliability
* Background in product development for medical devices, particularly in the areas of assistive technology and wheelchair mobility. Experience includes mechanical design, design for manufacturing and assembly, product durability testing and clinical trial study development.
* Experience leading teams and projects through design cycles with a strong emphasis on team-based processes that promote collaboration through brainstorming sessions and peer reviews

Type of services I can provide:

• Structural/stress analysis of components/structures/systems using both linear and nonlinear analysis (using both FEA and analytical methods) to assess the structural integrity and/or provide redesign and optimization options

• Dynamic analysis of systems (rigid body motion) to assess functionality, derive loads or calculate kinetic or kinematics of the system.

• Lifecycle analysis including fatigue and fracture analysis (using FEA, NASGRO and analytical methods) of systems or components including both high cycle and low cycle fatigue, development of loads and load cycles as well as mitigation strategies

• Structural dynamics analysis (using the FEA and analytical methods) including vibration and modal response of components and systems

• Mechanical design and development of systems or components to meet functionality and structural integrity requirements

• Development of custom analytical tools using Python, Excel or Visual Basic/Excel to meet the needs of the user whether that be a method for reanalyzing system for basic changes in configuration and/or loading, for calculating more complex scenarios and systems or for processing data from testing.


  • Dynamics Technical Lead NASA · Full-time Aug 2021 – Present 3 yrs 7 mos Merritt Island, FL, United States •Perform technically complex & detailed analysis for dynamic systems including rigid and flexible body dynamics, structural response, large deflection/high velocity transient structural analysis using tools such as MSC.ADAMS, NX, LS-DYNA & NX MOTION
    •POC for resolving dynamics/structural dynamics related technical issues providing technical support, guidance and leadership in the resolution of critical dynamics related problems
    •Gateway Deep Space Logistics Loads & Dynamics NASA Subject Matter Expert
    •Responsible for maintaining and revising standards in the areas of structural response/vibrations, and dynamics
    •I am in charge of performing all EGS debris impact assessment/Damage Tolerance Analysis for ice and foam impacting EGS launch accessories.
    •Currently a POC's for SLS launch day related debris impact questions.
  • Co-Founder & Chief Technical Officer Rowheels, Inc. · Self-employed Oct 2011 – Jan 2019 7 yrs 3 mos Madison, WI, United States (All work was performed remotely during after hours and weekends while concurrently still working for NASA)
    •Invented the reverse propulsion system used in Rowheels devices and developed various versions that make up the company’s line of products. Utility patent issued in 2014 (US 8,931,796)
    •Oversaw engineering team in charge of product design and development
    •Performed all component and assembly level structural, dynamic, fracture and fatigue analysis to ensure product structural integrity and reliability
    •Developed standards and requirements for component design and analysis
    •Developed component and assembly level experiments and testing protocols
    structural integrity and reliability
    * Developed standards and requirements for component design and analysis
    * Developed component and assembly level experiments and testing protocols
  • Flight Structures Analyst NASA · Part-time Dec 2014 – Dec 2016 2 yrs Merritt Island, FL, United States * Worked in-line with Lockheed Martin (coordinated through the Johnson Space Center), providing
    structural/stress analysis support for the SLS Orion Crew Module (CM) spacecraft
    * Support involved optimizing various Orion CM components for weight and strength in a major effort to reduce the spacecraft's overall weight in order to meet requirements.
    * Subsequent work focused on assessing the structural integrity of primary load path components including the CM barrel, CM backbone to barrel blades/bolted joints, CM barrel axial ribs, as well analyzing fracture critical hardware components including the Launch Abort System (LAS) bumper (primary load path) and recovery collet housing providing analysis support from initial concept to final design.
  • Structures & Dynamics Analysis Engineer NASA · Full-time Feb 2007 – Dec 2015 8 yrs 10 mos Merritt Island, FL, United States * Performed structural analysis on multiple components or system for a variety of projects and programs ranging from small-scale components and mechanisms to large structures (conventional and unconventional) for ground support and flight hardware
    * Developed models in order to assess stress capacity/structural integrity and requirements compliance using first principles/closed form solutions as well as linear and nonlinear finite element analysis
    * Developed models for assessing dynamic loads, system functionality, clearance and kinematics using dynamics software including MSC ADAMS for rigid and flexible body dynamics analysis and LS-Dyna's explicit solver for complex transient, large deflections stress analysis and kinetics/kinematics assessments while consistently implemented 1st principles through closed form solutions as well as numerical analysis involving the writing of scripts using programming languages like Matlab, Python and VBA/Excel.


  • Florida International University Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering 2004 – 2006
  • Florida International University Bachelors of Science, Mechanical Engineering 2000 – 2004


Joined: January 16, 2023

Last seen: January 16, 2023


English Native or bilingual proficiency

Spanish Full professional proficiency


Port Orange, FL, United States