Global rank:
59,026 / 95,042
Skill pts: 0
2D AutoCAD 3D Visualization ArcGIS AutoCAD Civil 3D AutoCAD Civil 3D Hydraflow Storm CAD Design Data Analysis GIS Geospatial Services Grading Plan Design HEC-HMS Hydrologic Modeling Sy HEC-RAS Hydrologic Engineering Hydraulic Calculation & Analysis Hydraulics Python Script QGIS Storm Water Drainage


I am an experienced civil engineer in contracting with mega size companies in the gulf region. I am experienced in project management and able to do contracting works from A to Z in structural, fit-out and infra works. On the other hand, i am also a researcher and have deep knowledge in hydro modeling.

Services i can provide:
-Drainage, grading and site planning
-Google earth engine
-Civil 3d
- Hydrology and hydraulics calculations
-GIS & hydro modeling (HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, Flood routing)
- Erosion control plans
- Earthwork quantity calculations
-Road design
- Quantity takeoff
- Project time scheduling
- Qualitative research
- Revit modeling
- 3d visualization
- research writing
-Stormwater, sewer, and water management plan
-Commercial/Residential lot subdivision
-Flood modeling
-LIDAR Data classifications


  • Cologne University of Applied Science MSc, Water Resources Management Engineering 2010 – 2012
  • Birzeit University Bachelor, Civil Engineering 2003 – 2008


Joined: March 20, 2023

Last seen: November 5, 2024


Arabic Native or bilingual proficiency

English Full professional proficiency

German Elementary proficiency

French Elementary proficiency


Bochum, United States