Global rank:
7,370 / 94,729
Skill pts: 5


A versatile freelance mechanical engineer specializing in CAD, blending technical prowess with creative problem-solving. Proficient in using CAD software to design and optimize mechanical systems, components, and products. With a commitment to precision and efficiency,turning ideas into tangible, functional designs. Efficient in my ability to meet project goals on time and within budget,.A go-to professional for clients seeking expert CAD-driven mechanical engineering solutions.


  • Design Engineer Steel Links · Full-time Sep 2020 – Present 4 yrs 5 mos undefined, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan Along with my freelance career i have been an employee in this firm and providing CAD/CAM designing services for past 3 years.


  • HITEC university Bachelors, Mechanical Engineering, A 2015 – 2020 Activities and Societies: ASME, HITEC Media club

Other experience

  • Freelance engineer Providing freelance services as a design engineer to local firms in hometown and on other freelance platforms.