Global rank:
70,471 / 95,286
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D Engineering Design 2D & 3D Mechanical Assembly 2D Technical Drawings 3D Conceptual Design ANSYS AutoCAD Automotive Welding Design CAD Design CATIA Machining Fixtures PTC Creo Parametric Product Design Welding Fixture Design


I had 4+ years of experience in design & manufacturing (automation, product Design, fabrication,manufacturing, with strong technical knowledge)


  • Engineer Jbm auto parts · Full-time Apr 2019 – Present 5 yrs 11 mos Chennai, TN, India Any type of concept design & prototype can be made effectively as per customer needs


  • government collage of technology coimbatore B . E, Mecahanical, A 2015 – 2019 Activities and Societies: Ncc